۱۴۰۱ مرداد ۲, یکشنبه

Persian calendar Perfectly matches with Solar system

 How Persian calendar Perfectly matches with Events in Solar system

  • Spring Equinox = 

equal day and night=

Start of spring=

Nowrooz (New day)=

1st of Farvardin = 

Frist day of the Persian calendar year=

~21 March

  • Summer Solstice=

Longest day=

Start of summer=

1st of Tir =

Start of the 4th month of the year=

end of  3 months of spring=

~21 June

  • Autumn Equinox=

equal day and night=

Start of fall=

1st of  Mehr=

schools opening=

~23 September

  • Winter Solstice = 

Shortest day=

longest night=

Start of the last 3 months of the year=

Start of winter=
Yalda night=

1st of  Dey=

~21 December

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